
Minor Cold Moxibustion 小寒艾灸

Minor Cold period in 2025: 5 – 19 January. 2025年小寒时期:1月5日 – 19日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Minor Cold?小寒艾灸养生之用 Minor Cold is the coldest period as the cold of winter accumulates. It is recommended to keep warm, sunbathe regularly and nourish the body moderately.It is recommended to use moxibustion therapy to warm the body. 小寒是每年中最寒冷的时期。养生保健需多注意保暖,定时晒太阳,适度食疗进补。建议使用艾灸疗法提升阳气,御寒保暖驱寒邪。 …

Minor Cold Moxibustion 小寒艾灸 查看全文 »

Winter Solstice Moxibustion 冬至艾灸

Winter Solstice period: 21 December 2024 – 4 January 2025. 2024年冬至时期:12月21日- 2025年1月4日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Winter Solstice?冬至艾灸养生之用 Winter Solstice is the time when the Yin energy is at its peak. At the same time, the new Yang energy begins to surface. Moxibustion is one of the best external therapies to tonify this rising …

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Major Snow Moxibustion 大雪艾灸

Major Snow period in 2024: 6 – 20 December. 2024年大雪时期:12月6日-20日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Major Snow?大雪艾灸养生之用 Major Snow is a time when the temperature gradually decreases. In Singapore, we may experience more rainfall thus dampness and cold increases. We can use moxibustion to reduce dampness and warm the body. 大雪时期,气温逐渐下降,新加坡的我们或迎来多雨季,因此是个多湿、寒凉的时节。建议可使用艾灸疗法祛湿、保暖,防止湿邪、寒邪入里。 Acupoint For Moxibustion艾灸穴位推荐 1. …

Major Snow Moxibustion 大雪艾灸 查看全文 »

Minor Snow Moxibustion 小雪艾灸

Minor Snow period in 2024: 22 November – 5 December. 2024年小雪时期:11月22日 – 12月5日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Minor Snow?小雪艾灸养生之用 Minor Snow is period of slowing down and continues to prepare for hibernation. In addition to intake of tonics in our diet, it is recommended to add moxibustion therapy as an external therapy.  小雪时期,万物逐渐失去生机,是收敛、存藏的时节。膳食进补之上,也建议配合使用艾灸疗法调理身体,加强补益效果。 …

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Beginning of Winter Moxibustion 立冬艾灸

Beginning of Winter period in 2024: 7 – 21 November. 2024年立冬时期:11月7日-21日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Beginning of Winter?立冬艾灸养生之用 Beginning of Winter marks the start of winter which is a season to hibernate. During this period, moxibustion is used to start tonifying the body. 立冬,冬季开始了。此时阳气潜藏,阴气盛极。艾灸疗法在这个时期逐渐开始也被运用在进补身体上。 Acupoint For Moxibustion艾灸穴位推荐 1.  Yangchi Point (TE4) Functions: – …

Beginning of Winter Moxibustion 立冬艾灸 查看全文 »

Frost’s Descent Moxibustion 霜降艾灸

Frost’s Descent period in 2024: 23 October – 6 November. 2024年霜降时期:10月23日 – 11月6日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Frost’s Descent?霜降艾灸养生之用 Frost’s Descent is a transition period from autumn to winter when dampness can be trapped within the body causing water retention or diarrhea. One of the strengths of moxibustion therapy is regulating water in the …

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Cold Dew Moxibustion 寒露艾灸

Cold Dew period in 2024: 8 – 22 October. 2024年寒露时期:10月8日-22日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Cold Dew?寒露艾灸养生之用 Cold Dew is a period when the weather is dry and cool. The lungs are susceptible to common cold with dry cough. Moxibustion therapy is useful in prevention of ailments such as the common cold and cough. 寒露时节,阳气渐退,天气更加凉爽干燥。此时燥邪之气容易侵犯人体耗伤肺之阴液,导致感冒与干咳等症状。艾灸在预防感冒方面有明显的效用。 Acupoint For …

Cold Dew Moxibustion 寒露艾灸 查看全文 »

Autumn Equinox Moxibustion 秋分艾灸

Greater Heat period in 2024: 22 September – 7 October. 2024年大暑时期:9月22日-10月7日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Autumn Equinox?秋分艾灸养生之用 Autumn Equinox signifies a balance of the Yin and Yang energies. During this period, the air is less humid with a decrease in temperature. It is recommended to take precaution of dehydration. Moxibustion therapy using selected acupoints …

Autumn Equinox Moxibustion 秋分艾灸 查看全文 »

Limit of Heat Moxibustion 处暑艾灸

Limit of Heat period in 2024: 22 August – 6 September. 2024年处暑时期:8月22日-9月6日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Limit of Heat?处暑艾灸养生之用 Limit of Heat marks the end of the damp-heat period for the year. During this period, it is recommended to cultivate our digestive system. Moxibustion therapy is an effective method to nourish the stomach …

Limit of Heat Moxibustion 处暑艾灸 查看全文 »