Minor Cold Moxibustion 小寒艾灸
Minor Cold period in 2025: 5 – 19 January. 2025年小寒时期:1月5日 – 19日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Minor Cold?小寒艾灸养生之用 Minor Cold is the coldest period as the cold of winter accumulates. It is recommended to keep warm, sunbathe regularly and nourish the body moderately.It is recommended to use moxibustion therapy to warm the body. 小寒是每年中最寒冷的时期。养生保健需多注意保暖,定时晒太阳,适度食疗进补。建议使用艾灸疗法提升阳气,御寒保暖驱寒邪。 …