Cold Dew Moxibustion 寒露艾灸
Cold Dew period in 2024: 8 – 22 October. 2024年寒露时期:10月8日-22日。 How does Moxibustion benefit us during Cold Dew?寒露艾灸养生之用 Cold Dew is a period when the weather is dry and cool. The lungs are susceptible to common cold with dry cough. Moxibustion therapy is useful in prevention of ailments such as the common cold and cough. 寒露时节,阳气渐退,天气更加凉爽干燥。此时燥邪之气容易侵犯人体耗伤肺之阴液,导致感冒与干咳等症状。艾灸在预防感冒方面有明显的效用。 Acupoint For …