Awakening of Insects 惊蛰
Awakening of Insects is the third Solar Term of Spring period. It falls on 5 March 2024 (Tue). There will be thunder sounds to awaken the hibernating insects underground. It is recommended to maintain a healthy immune system with adequate protein, vitamins and minerals to prevent infections from the microorganisms. 惊蛰是春季的第三个节气,日期为2024年3月5日(星期二)。今日起,天气转暖,渐有春雷,唤醒万物生长。此时的气候利于流感的传播,因此我们仍然需要注意保暖,饮食上注意多摄入植物蛋白质以及丰富的维生素,适当食用补养阳气的食物,增强自身的抵抗力。 Health Tip 1: Barley Water with White Hyacinth Beans养生小帖士1: …